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What’s The Difference Between Vagabond & Driftwood Tours?

The main differences between our two tour styles are:

  • 👟 Tour Pace - Vagabond Cultural Adventures Are Faster-Paced
  • 🛶 Activities - Vagabond Cultural Adventures Require Higher Fitness Levels
  • 🚐 Tour Vehicles - Vagabond Cultural Adventures Tour on 4x4 Vehicles with a Slightly Lower Seating Capacity (13 Guests versus 15 Guests)

On both tour styles, you are guaranteed fun, history, culture, outstanding tour guides, spectacular scenery and excellent hotels.

So whether you choose active Vagabond Cultural Adventures or gently-paced Driftwood Journeys of Discovery, you are going home with a suitcase full of magic memories!

It's really a matter of how fit and adventurous you feel.

Here's more about the differences...

Vagabond Cultural Adventures Are Faster-Paced 👟

On an active Vagabond Cultural Adventure, we try to squeeze the most out of each day. Typically, your tour will depart hotels by 9am and return around 6pm (sometimes even later).

Vagabond Tours generally move at an upbeat pace between each stop.

Driftwood Journeys of Discovery feature a more relaxed pace.

As a Driftwooder, you'll spend quality time strolling quaint villages, browsing craft shops and visiting elegant period homes.

Your Driftwood tour will typically leave your hotel at been 9 and 10am each morning, returning between 5 and 6pm.

These timings may vary in certain places. For example, in a town with opportunities for retail therapy, your group may want more free time and so your VagaGuide may plan a later morning departure.

In the afternoon, your VagaGuide may plan to reach a hotel earlier than normal to accommodate the group's preferences.

Adventure Activities Require Good Fitness Levels 🛶

On a Vagabond Cultural Adventure, you'll be offered a smörgåsbord of outdoor adventure activities each day.







Sea swimming.

All of the above activities are optional. However, Vagabond Cultural Adventures require a good level of fitness to enjoy the itineraries to the max.

In contrast, the activities on a Driftwood Journeys of Discovery are less adrenaline-fuelled.

Think a horse-drawn carriage ride. Or a guided tour of an elegant 18th century country house and garden.

Even though you don't need to pack hiking boots, Driftwooders will need a minimum level of fitness to enjoy their itinerary. There will be some walking involved. Stepping on an off the tour vehicle unaided is crucial.

Both tour styles will bring you through quaint villages and spectacular landscapes, stopping at historical castle ruins and other amazingly authentic cultural experiences.

The Tour Vehicles Are Slightly Different 🚐

Vagabond Cultural Adventures travel in chunky, 4x4 tour vehicles. We call them VagaTrons. They can accommodate up to 13 guests.

Driftwood Journeys of Discovery use slick and comfortable mini-coaches. We refer to them as Drifters. Up to 15 guests can tour on a Drifter.

Drifter tour vehicles are lower to the ground than VagaTrons; they are easier to get in and out of.

Our entire tour vehicle fleet is updated and refreshed each year with the latest Mercedes-Benz models and the highest possible .

Still puzzled by the difference? Compare Vagabond and Driftwood tour styles

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