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Vagabond Post-Tour Survey

Driftwood Post-Tour Survey

We’d love if you could help us by leaving feedback in the following ways:

  1. 🌟 Write a TripAdvisor review about your experience
  2. 😁 Join our Vagabond & Driftwood Group on Facebook
  3. 📧 Send confidential feedback:

Online Reviews

Reviewing Vagabond & Driftwood Tours on FEEFO

You’ll soon receive a separate email from my email address inviting you to review Vagabond & Driftwood Tours on FEEFO.

Please whitelist my email address - - so that you receive this important email (here's how to do that).

Please note FEEFO is a public platform and all comments you make in this forum are automatically uploaded to our website for all to view.

Only verified Vagabonds and Driftwooders who have been on tour with us receive this email. You have the option to review both our service (i.e. your overall customer experience), but also our product (the nuts and bolts of the tour you chose).

TripAdvisor, Facebook and Google Reviews

Honest reviews help future guests make informed choices (which helps us too).

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Vagabond Facebook Group

Join our Facebook Group to engage with a friendly & active community of past, present and future Vagabonds

Welcome to our Vagabond Tours of Ireland Facebook Group

Our group is a great place to share memories of your tour, offer advice, reminisce about your time in Ireland and, why not, dream up your next adventure!

We'd love it if you kept in touch and joined our community.

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☘️ Worry-Free Bookings. ONLY €250.00 DEPOSIT PER PERSON. See Our Flexible Terms