Kinsale, Co. Cork
12th April 2016
The historic seaside town of Kinsale, has a reputation as one of Irelands culinary capitals and must-see destination.

Spend a night in an Irish Castle Hotel
12th April 2016
Ever dream of staying in an Irish castle?

Easter Rising 1916 - The Centenary - Things to Do
15th March 2016
About the Easter Rising 1916
2016 marks the centenary of the Easter 1916 Rising. An armed insurrection in Ireland during Easter week 1916. It was mounted by Irish republicans to end British rule. Starting with the reading of the Irish Proclamation of Independence by Patrick Pearse outside the General Post Office (GPO). The Rising lasted 6 days, and would result in much destruction, finally concluding with the surrender of the rebels and their subsequent executions.

A Guide to the Ireland's Craft Beer Scene
3rd March 2016
Explosion in Craft Beer
One thing Ireland is famous for is Guinness but what you might not know is Ireland has a growing craft beer industry. Prior to 2005 there were just 5 microbreweries in Ireland. Now there are well over 62. It is safe to say there has been an explosion in the Irish craft beer industry. Holding their own against the industry heavy weights, the appetite for Irish craft beer is undeniable both here and abroad.

Leap Year Proposals - An Old Irish Tradition
26th February 2016
Feb 29th, according to tradition in Ireland is the day on a leap year, a women can drop down on one knee to propose.