Who Drinks Craft Beer?
Once the preserve of trendy young hipsters, older drinkers are now taking to it more and more. If you are someone who appreciates a quality product youll love Irish craft beer. As Kay OHara from OHaras Brewery Its about getting people excited about the different tastes and flavours. There is a definite passion within the industry for producing the best product.

Its all Natural
A huge difference between craft beer and mainstream beer is down to how its made. All beers have four ingredients: Water, malt, hops and yeast. Most craft beer is brewed only using these ingredients. These ingredients tend to be of the highest quality. Adding to this, research has shown that craft beer has more antioxidants then red wine. So giving it some added health benefits too.

Best Craft Beer in Ireland
Beoir is an independent group representing micro craft breweries in Ireland. Every year they have a competition to find Irelands favourite beer. You can check out the winners and runners up here. This years winner was The Full Irish, an IPA brewed by Eight Degrees Brewing. This beer only came on the scene last year, but it impressed the judges hugely with its hoppy fruit with a biscuit malt body.

Where Can I Get Some?
If your in Dublin and have a bit of a thirst. We recommend checking out The Porterhouse, 57 The Headline, Aainst the Graing, J.W. Sweetman for a wide range of excellent craft beers.